Transmission Control Cable Clamp

About this product

The Transmission Control Cable Clamp (#33829-34020), a fundamental Drive-Chassis part in the Control Shaft & Crossshaft system, plays a pivotal role in Toyota vehicles. This clamp ensures accurate shifting by securing the control cable, allowing it to transmit precise gear shift movements from the driver to the transmission system. As this part is continuously exposed to stress and strain, periodic replacement is necessary to avoid transmission issues. A worn or broken clamp could lead to incorrect shifting, potentially causing damage to the transmission system. Using genuine Toyota parts not only ensures perfect fit and compatibility but also offers the reliability of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Transmission Control Cable Clamp (#33829-34020) is not just an auto part; it's a contributor to the overall vehicle safety and efficiency, ensuring smooth gear shifts and prolonging the lifespan of your transmission system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 33829-34010
Part Number 33829-34020

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